Sunday, September 27, 2009

a wee bit of fun

I have some very exciting news this week! On thursday and friday, all of the girls' dorms in my house got new carpets! The old carpet were really gross, and so although it may sound not very exciting, it really is fanastic.
Here is what the old carpets looked like:
and here is the new carpet!!

For part of the year, every week has a focus. the first week was sports week. And last week was creative week. All week there was music onduring meals, and there were optional activities after dinner. On monday we made masks (I made one but it didn't really work so I threw it out). On tuesday we painted them (along with other random stuff like binders). I was waiting for someone and was a little bored and my arm ended up like this:

and my face ended up like this:

And then there were a few other things during the week like dance and painting/repairing bikes.

As well, every Thursday our house has an open house where we all chill in our house parents' house and take turns cooking for eachother. This week all the north america's got together (four of us) and made pancakes and maple syrup (unfortunately real maple syrup is very expensive to share and the bottle I brought with me was too small for the whole house so we had to make do with fake maple syrup [not that anyone but me could really appreciate how tragic it was]).
Someone has a recipe that called for whole wheat flour, and Laura wasn't sure if she had enough and so she asked me to go and get some more, as I was planning on walking into town later in the day. When I got to the store I searched and searched for whole wheat flour. They had everything else, but not whole wheat. So I walked down the street and went to the other food store and searched and searched there as well (and mom, you will be proud to know that I asked for help at both places!). But I couldn't find any. At this point I was in a big rush (I wanted to catch a ride with the kitchen van back to the school to save myself a 40 min walk or a bus fare). So in my hast I just bought country grain flour (my brain told me that grain and whole wheat must be the same thing).
When I got back to the house I told Laura what I had, and she showed me what she had: Wholemeal flour.
Wholemeal flour was at both the stores I had looked in.
I felt stupid.

Here is William, our chef extrodinare:

Tilda is not from North America, but we let her help :)
(she wishes she was from north america)
And Laura with our beautiful pancakes

In other news, my daddy visted me yesterday on the back end of his buisness trip in Ireland! It was really really nice to see him.
And he came to watch 'AC's got Talent', in which I sang "hiphopapotamus vs rhymnocerous" by Flight of the Conchords with Killian from my house. It was pretty sweet
Miss you all!

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