Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I have arrived!!
and it is surprises there.
My flight was pretty good except my plane was delayed for awhile in Calgary so I arrived late at heathrow and just missed the second bus that went from Heathrow to the college. So I hung around the airport and met people as they arrived and then I got on the 6 o'clock bus and arrived at the school at about 9:30.
When we garrived at the school a bunch of the second years were yelling and screaming and then they showed us where our houses are. I have a nice room with a small dresser and a closet and three shelves which is good. the only problem is my closet has a lock on it.. and no key!
So hopefully they will fix that today so that I can hang all of my stuff up. And we are right by the bathroom which is handy. Lucky me, I am in the oldest of the Dorms. This means that the kichen is sort of run down and not very nice (but it works well for boiling water for tea) and the building is pretty small. But regardless I think it is pretty nice. There is a day/common room that has couches and stuff, a frying room (which is useful for the wet weather) and a quiet room for studing etc. My roommates are really nice and so I felt really welcome yesterday and I have met so many people already (unfortunatley I don't remember very many of their names). Unfortunatley because I arrived so late yesterday I haven't really seen very much of the school and haven't really been able to take photos but I hope that today I will be able to see more, and I will put photos as I have time.
Today we had a sort of orientation. In the morning we were introduced to our teacher tutors. My tutor is named Brian and is the music teacher (is it reeeally strange because we call our teachers by their first name!) and then we met some of the other important people like the principal and the vice principals and the student body president etc. and then for the rest of the day we are did various things with our houses.
so far I have: Gone to the computer lab where we got student IDs for the computers; taken a little math test (yuck!) so they can get a general idea of what math we should take; gone to the Library, had photos taken, met my peer listeners, went to the medical center, had castle orientation, and took a swimming test.
And then in the evening we went up with all of the people from our nations. So I was able to meet the other Canadian. All of whom are pretty cool eh? and we ate pancakes with maple syrup. yummm
So basically the last day has been a whirlwind but I am loving it.
I miss you all
and I will keep you up to date with what I am doing as much as I can!


  1. a swim test!
    your castle has a pool? Also..."castle orientation" how cool are you?

    have the best day jessica!

    you are missed.

  2. the castle actually has two pools. An outdoor and an indoor.
    And I am proud to say that I was the first one in my group to finish.
    Go Canadians :)
