Sunday, September 6, 2009

finally some photos

Finally I some photos for you!

This is the post office/bank. you can sort of see the little red mailbox.
This building also has some daycare/gym rooms and is home to the global lounge (a cafe place) and soc (which is a basically where you can go and dance every weekend)

Here is some of the farm. They have sheep, horses and cows.

This is the arts center. the back of it is a barn that was renovated and is now the theater. the part here is called the glass room.

This is a side view of the castle
This is a view from beside the castle down to the water. If you walked from where I took the photo to the water you would pass through a bunch of differnet gardens and lawns (top lawn [where I am], second lawn, the rose garden, the beast garden and the blue lawn). the small building you can see is called the Romeo and Juliet tower.

Here is the front archway into the castle

This is the outside of my house. My room has a window on the other side.

This is the view from my house down to the water

My house!

And this is my corner of my room. My bed with some of my photos :)


  1. 1) Beautiful grounds.

    2) You got your USB working?

    3) I am going to send you things to spruce up your bedroom. Yeesh. (It took me way too long to realize why the pictures on your wall were sideways. It occurred first to me that your bed was attached to the wall and folded out. Idiot!)

    4) Miss you!

  2. oh my goodness, the art centre looks amazing!

  3. I love the pictures. I want to be there and sit on the grass and walk down to the water.

    Hope everything is chipper
