Monday, April 19, 2010

End of Codes

This week is the last week of Codes for the second year.

The last week of high school education.
The last week of classes being called codes.
The last week of AC education.
The last week of learning new things from the IB syllabus.
The last week of sitting in these classrooms.
The last week of a 12 year (on average) educational milestone.
The last week of sitting in front of these teachers and doing as they are told.
The last week of codes.

And in celebration they pull pranks on the first year (and no, I can't explain the logic behind this to you because I don't understand it myself).
The pranks are preformed either by your second year roommates or by your national second years.

Some examples of past occurrences: stealing all of our clothes, locking our drawers/closets, waking us up in the middle of the night, stealing our beds (and leaving them in the day room), forcing us to wear outrageous outfits, hanging our clothes from the trees etc.

I am lucky because my second year doom mates are very nice and promised that they would be nice to me.... but I am not so sure out my fellow Canadians.

Wish me luck!

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