Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Over the long weekend I, being the lucky girl I am, went to stay with my daddy who is working in Dublin.
It was really wonderful to take a bit of a breather from school and hang out in Ireland with my dad.
I have wanted to go to Ireland for a long time, and loved it (although to be honest it looks a lot like Wales, with less sheep).
However even though I was in a strange city I still felt at home because Ireland is now has Tim Horton's (which actually horrified me more than comforted me)
I chilled with Oscar Wilde
Who said my favourite quote
Along with a few other good ones
I was visited by a little chick and some flowers on Easter (not to mention some chocolate all the way from Canada which tasted amazing after 40 days without chocolate [for lent])
We visited a street market which was full of the most random things, including a canucks jersey that I noticed out of the corner of my eye (I thought the colours looked familiar)
Unfortunately, while the Irish have many great traits, spelling is not one of them

But in their defence they have really beautiful bridges. Very Harry Potter-esque
On Saturday we went up to Belfast which was really interesting and saw all of the graffiti from 'the Troubles'
And they have a big Ferris Wheel by their city hall that looks an awful lot like the London eye
And although Belfast is a much nicer place now than it was a few years ago, they still are fans of the barbed wire

The stereo in the car wasn't very helpful in boosting my self esteem
In Dublin we listened to some street performers and I felt like I was in the film 'Once'.
And we saw some bubbles.
We wandered the shopping streets and I tried on a few dresses.
Here is some graffiti that we found.
It says:
'No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted'
A classic Irish Pub
Dublin's smallest pub
It was tiny!
We saw the Guinness brewery which was ridiculously big.
Overall it was a wonderful trip!

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