Friday, November 20, 2009

Hello, my name is Jessica. I am a emergency responder. May I help you?

Over the last three days I have learned how bandage wounds, treat shock, stop bleeding and essentially bring someone back to life.

It was.... First aid week!

While all the second years (except for the few poor sods who haven't finished their EEs [extended essays]) went galavanting around London, the first years shuffled from classroom to classroom taking notes and practicing CPR.

There were seven groups and there are six houses which meant that one house was scattered amongst the other houses. My house was that lucky one. It actually ended up being quite nice as I was able to talk with some people from Sunley who I would not normally hang out with.
The down side was that the house was unusually empty (no seconds years and the first years had their free blocks at different times)
And while all of the information was very important, I have learned almost all of it before thanks to bronze cross and bronze medallion. Which meant it was sort of boring.
However, the evenings so far have been wonderful. With no codes and only half of the student body around, it felt really relaxed!

Today we had our exam. In the morning we had a practical assessment where we a simulated situation was explained to us and in groups we had to enter the scene and do our stuff.
Then, in the afternoon we had two written papers: primary and secondary aid.
It was pretty simple stuff.
I passed! and am now an emergency responder!
So if you are ever choking, or not breathing, or bleeding, or broken, or poisoned, or crushed, or stung, or hyprothermic, or experiencing cardiac arrest, or bruised, or in shock, or vomiting, or unconscience, or drowning, etc.... I can help!


  1. 1) I can't believe you used the word "sod." Gross.
    2) Can you treat stress?

  2. Very good to know you're prepaired. I am having none of those problems at the moment....but I'll tell you if I experience any of them.:)
