Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Weekend 1.5

I wrote an article for the School's MUN newspaper from when I was the Admin for the General Assembly (see blog post below for explanation):

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The very serious and focused debate of the African delegates in the General Assemble stopped as everyone stopped and looked up at the window.

“Let me in!” mouthed a frantic and slightly wild-eyed student (who’s name shall not be disclosed for security reasons) from outside the classroom. He banged on the window again and one of the admins, who was sitting beside the window, swung it open wide. The next second the student had propelled himself through the window and landed on the desk. Unfortunately for him, he landed on a piece of paper, slide across the desk, and hit the floor, with a rather loud thud.

For a spilt second the room was silent – unsure of how to react to this completely barbaric intrusion of their civilized discussions.

But the silence was quickly filled with more yelling:
“I’ve got him” yelled one of the (slightly overzealous) members of the security.
The room barely had time to glance back at the window when a second person had flung themselves through the window and landed on the desk, barely missing the head of the Somali delegate. He, too, slid across the desk and practically landed on the un-named student. The security guard had grabbed the student and hauled him out of the room before anyone had drawn a breath.

There was another second of silence and then the debating begun where it had left off. It was just another day in AC, where nothing ridiculous ever happens.

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