Sunday, January 23, 2011


You know you have good friends when:
They surprise you with a birthday showering on your half birthday!

This past Thursday was my half-birthday, which is not something that I would normally celebrate or notice. However, because my birthday is in the summer, I have never celebrated it at school (I have never brought cupcakes for the class, or has the whole class sing for me, or {as is tradition at AC} been thrown ceremoniously into the shower)
However, I have some pretty amazing friends, and they didn't want me to miss out on this fabulous part of AC life.
And so, they began to scheme.

On Wednesday night (because it is a weird tradition to have the showering the day before some one's birthday... long story) I was sitting in Hannah's room chatting when her phone rang. She picked it up and then looked me and said "apparently Nora {who is my roommate} is having a mental breakdown". So I ran back to my house to see if she was okay.
When I arrived at my house I saw that Nora was sitting in the dayroom surrounded my a group of my friends. I ran inside and gave her a biiiig hug. She seemed to be fine.
I then looked around the room and realised that there were waaay more people than usual, which I though was strange. I began to think that it was someone's showering and started to rack my brains to remember who in my house had a birthday the next day.
Suddenly, people began to sing. I looked around trying to see who they were singing for, when I felt myself being picked up.
Turns out they were singing for me!!

They then carried me into the bathroom stuck me under the shower, and threw buckets of water on me (I would like to thank them for throwing water water and soap... not cold water and flour).

I have always wanted a surprise party and this was probably the best one I could have ever thought of. Despite the fact that I was freezing and soapy, I hugged everyone and stood beaming in the middle of my dayroom like an idiot.

I am so lucky to have such amazing (and stealthy) friends!


  1. I can not believe that I have missed wishing you Happy Half Birthday all of the years you were living at home. I hope you are home for the real thing this year!! Sounds like a lot of fun!!

