Saturday, May 1, 2010


On Thursday I finished my end of the year exams!!

It is a wonderful relief to be finished. Now I can focus on the rest of my work: my ee, my Peace and Conflict IA, my physics practical etc.

This end of exams is another landmark in my second term at AC: it is the beginning of the IB exams.

My second years have all scuttled indoors and settled into their favourite studying locations for hours on end, emerging only for some food and sleep.
I wish them all the luck in the world! and wish the same for everyone at home who is taking them as well.

Furthermore, it is my last month here (even less than a month).
In the very near future I will be taking my photos off of my wall, folding clothes into bags and searching my house for all of the stuff that has mysteriously gone missing over the past nine months.
I will be signing yearbooks, promising to write and hugging everyone I see.
I will be saying goodbye to my second years. Most of whom I will never see again.
It will be the end of another year at AC.

But until then I will be trying to absorb as much of this place as I can.
Enough to last me until August.


  1. WOOHOO!!!
    congrats my friend. get all that stuff done and come back hommmmmmme

  2. Hi Jessica
    Well done - one important step accomplished!

    Yep, IB exams on Tuesday -- Dan is studying every minute, except right now as he and Lisa playing improv duets on the piano!
    Can't wait to see you!
