Thursday, October 15, 2009

we shoot, we score!

A few weeks ago my house, Morgannwg, won sports week!
The last few years there has been a prize for the winning house (ex. a house breakfast).
But this year there was nothing (go figure).
However, I am blessed with wonderful houseparents. And so on Sunday everyone in my house was called into the day room where we were surprised with cake and fruit! It was awesome!
Please note that the green cake in this photo is a football game!! (which we are winning of course) Complete with norweign candy men!

Here are some of the people in my house (apologies for the blurry photos but my camera is horrible in dim light)

clearly we are all normal
Here are my House Parents (from Norway): John Morten and Sonova

We have a fridge in our house, but is was really full and dirty and gross. So on sunday we took everything out, threw out the moldy stuff (it was surprising how much was in there), cleaned the fridge and then put the food back in an orderly fashion (each dorm now has a spot on a shelf)
Random braiding broke out (this is not a normal occurance, I promise)

and the testosterone was ragging as the boys started playing bloody knuckles and this game with a coin:
Basically one person starts by flicking the coin to get it spinning and then the two people playing take turns flicking it to keep it spinning:

And if someone flicks it wrong and it stops spinning, they place their hand on the table and the other person flicks the coin at their knuckles as hard as possible (this often results in blood).
I shall never understand boys.
And this weekend I am off to see oxford and cambridge with my daddy!
I can't wait!

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