Saturday, January 16, 2010

One week gone by

Unfortunately I have no photographic evidence of the last week.
This is due to the fact that my camera is in one of my bags.
And my bags are nowhere to be seen.

Regardless here some of the highlights of my first week back:

1. Getting here. It was quite the adventure (whether my bags get here or not is a completely different story)

2. Seeing everyone again.

3. The snow. The castle looked so beautiful all covered in white. It looked like magic

4. Tobogganing. A group of girls from my house borrowed some sleds and went sliding down a driveway. And only one of us hit a wall, so I feel it was a fairly successful endeavor.

5. the princess bride. I got it for Christmas, and happened to put it in my backpack for the flight. So this week I watched it with some girls who had never seen it before and it was so much fun. Except for when everyone told me to stop quoting the lines along with the film. oops.

6. Archery. I had a service session on Wednesday where we learned how to teach archery. And while I enjoy archery, I do not enjoy standing in the snow in sub-zero weather for two hours while wearing rubber boots. I would like to point out here that I intended to wear warmer shoes, but my service instructor sent me home to put on boots because the field was 'muddy'. As a result I had frozen feet. Which remained frozen for about forty minutes afterwards.

7. Snowmen. We made a human sized one outside our house. Guess what it's name was? Frosty! how original.

8. Swimming. My second service session of the week consisted of a small swimming test for our lifeguard program. I was really impressed with all of the people who came to the college as non-swimmers and were able to complete the test because of the lessons they have been having all fall!

9. Shots. I got a shot yesterday. And it hurt.

10. Dinner and a movie. Last night, in honor of it being our first Friday back I ate dinner with my group of friends and then we watched ever after. It was pretty awesome.

So overall it was a pretty good week.
But my teachers decided that I should have a bad weekend by drowning me in homework.
Wish me luck!

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